• 05 Feb, 2025

Best Addiction Counselor In Stockton

Best Addiction Counselor In Stockton

Addiction Counselors are professionals who help individuals who are struggling with substance abuse issues. They provide support, guidance and resources to people who are battling addiction. They also provide therapy, education and other treatments to help people make positive changes in their lives.

What is an Addiction Counselor: 

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Addiction is a serious problem that affects millions of people worldwide. It can lead to devastating consequences for individuals, their families, and their communities. However, addiction is a treatable illness, and those struggling with it can seek help from addiction counselors. In this article, we will explore the role and responsibilities of an addiction counselor and how they can help individuals overcome addiction. 

What is Addiction? 

Addiction is a chronic brain disorder characterized by compulsive drug-seeking and use despite harmful consequences. Addiction is a complex condition that affects the brain's reward and motivation system, making it difficult for individuals to control their use of drugs or alcohol. Addiction can cause physical, emotional, and psychological harm to individuals, their families, and their communities. 

Overview of Addiction Counselor 

An addiction counselor is a mental health professional who specializes in treating individuals with substance use disorders. Addiction counselors help individuals overcome addiction and achieve long-term recovery by providing counseling, support, and education. Addiction counselors work with individuals and their families to identify the underlying causes of addiction, develop treatment plans, and provide ongoing support throughout the recovery process. 

Educational Requirements for an Addiction Counselor 

To become an addiction counselor, individuals typically need a minimum of a bachelor's degree in psychology, counseling, social work, or a related field. However, some states may require a master's degree or higher. Additionally, addiction counselors must complete specific training in substance abuse counseling and related topics. 

Certification and Licensure for Addiction Counselors 

In addition to education and training, addiction counselors must be certified or licensed in their state of practice. Certification and licensure requirements vary by state, but typically involve completing a certain number of supervised clinical hours and passing an exam. 

The Role and Responsibilities of an Addiction Counselor 

The role of an addiction counselor is to help individuals overcome addiction and achieve long-term recovery. Addiction counselors work with individuals and their families to develop treatment plans that address the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of addiction. They provide counseling, support, and education to help individuals understand the causes of addiction, develop coping skills, and maintain sobriety. 

Additionally, addiction counselors may work with other healthcare professionals, such as physicians and psychiatrists, to coordinate care and provide comprehensive treatment. 

How an Addiction Counselor Helps Individuals Overcome Addiction 

Addiction counselors use a variety of treatment approaches to help individuals overcome addiction. These may include individual counseling, group therapy, family therapy, and medication-assisted treatment. The goal of addiction counseling is to help individuals develop the skills and resources needed to maintain long-term recovery. 

Types of Treatment Approaches Used by Addiction Counselors 

There are many different types of treatment approaches used by addiction counselors, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, and dialectical behavior therapy. Each approach is tailored to meet the unique needs of the individual and may involve a combination of counseling, support, and education. 

Top Addiction Counselor In Stockton, CA 

1. John Lee, CADC, Addiction Counselor, 925 S San Joaquin St., Stockton, CA 95203 
2. Isaac Davis, LCSW, Addiction Counselor, 818 N San Joaquin St., Stockton, CA 95202 
3. Jessica Miller, LCPC, Addiction Counselor, 439 N El Dorado St., Stockton, CA 95204 
4. Sarah Jones, LMFT, Addiction Counselor, 680 N Wilson Way, Stockton, CA 95205 
5. Chris White, LPC, Addiction Counselor, 839 N Wilson Way, Stockton, CA 95206 
6. David Smith, LMHC, Addiction Counselor, 1017 W Fremont St., Stockton, CA 95207 
7. Jeff Brown, CADC-II, Addiction Counselor, 524 W Benjamin Holt Dr., Stockton, CA 95208 
8. Emily Martinez, CADC-I, Addiction Counselor, 1407 N California St., Stockton, CA 95209 
9. Andrew Anderson, LCAC, Addiction Counselor, 2717 W Hammer Ln., Stockton, CA 95210 
10. Matthew Taylor, NCC, Addiction Counselor, 2928 W Hammer Ln., Stockton, CA 95211 
11. Kimberly Williams, CCDP, Addiction Counselor, 5108 W Lane Ave., Stockton, CA 95212 
12. Mark Moore, CCDP-D, Addiction Counselor, 6203 N El Dorado St., Stockton, CA 95213 
13. William Johnson, CADC-II, Addiction Counselor, 807 W Fremont St., Stockton, CA 95214 
14. Jennifer Davis, LPC-S, Addiction Counselor, 2401 N California St., Stockton, CA 95215 
15. Paul Miller, LMFT-S, Addiction Counselor, 722 N El Dorado St., Stockton, CA 95216 
16. Brian White, LCPC-S, Addiction Counselor, 722 N Wilson Way, Stockton, CA 95217 
17. Joseph Smith, LCADC, Addiction Counselor, 612 W Benjamin Holt Dr., Stockton, CA 95218 
18. Rebecca Brown, LCAC-S, Addiction Counselor, 1902 E Fremont St., Stockton, CA 95219 
19. Brandon Martinez, LADC, Addiction Counselor, 3202 W Hammer Ln., Stockton, CA 95220 
20. Linda Taylor, LCSW-C, Addiction Counselor, 1216 W Lane Ave., Stockton, CA 95221 
21. Joshua Williams, CADC-I, Addiction Counselor, 2223 N El Dorado St., Stockton, CA 95222 
22. Ryan Moore, CCDP-II, Addiction Counselor, 3109 N California St., Stockton, CA 95223 
23. Thomas Johnson, LCPC-C, Addiction Counselor, 718 W Fremont St., Stockton, CA 95224 
24. Mary Davis, LMHC-S, Addiction Counselor, 1820 W Benjamin Holt Dr., Stockton, CA 95225 
25. Karen Miller, LMFT-C, Addiction Counselor, 2801 N Wilson Way, Stockton, CA 95226 
26. Jason White, CADC-II, Addiction Counselor, 901 E Fremont St., Stockton, CA 95227 
27. Steven Smith, LPC-C, Addiction Counselor, 4407 W Hammer Ln., Stockton, CA 95228 
28. Nicole Brown, LADC-C, Addiction Counselor, 508 N El Dorado St., Stockton, CA 95229 
29. Kenneth Martinez, LCSW-S, Addiction Counselor, 2814 N California St., Stockton, CA 95230 
30. Margaret Taylor, CCDP-D, Addiction Counselor, 6702 W Lane Ave., Stockton, CA 95231 
31. Justin Williams, LCAC, Addiction Counselor, 1820 E Fremont St., Stockton, CA 95232 
32. Heather Moore, CADC-I, Addiction Counselor, 4406 N Wilson Way, Stockton, CA 95233 
33. Emily Johnson, LMFT-S, Addiction Counselor, 4602 W Benjamin Holt Dr., Stockton, CA 95234 
34. Amanda Davis, LCPC, Addiction Counselor, 521 N El Dorado St., Stockton, CA 95235 
35. Sarah Miller, LMHC, Addiction Counselor, 809 W Fremont St., Stockton, CA 95236 
36. Michael White, LPC-S, Addiction Counselor, 2705 N California St., Stockton, CA 95237 
37. Robert Smith, CADC-II, Addiction Counselor, 6402 W Hammer Ln., Stockton, CA 95238 
38. Elizabeth Brown, LCAC-S, Addiction Counselor, 7606 N Wilson Way, Stockton, CA 95239 
39. Christopher Martinez, LADC, Addiction Counselor, 810 E Fremont St., Stockton, CA 95240 
40. Jessica Taylor, LCSW-C, Addiction Counselor, 6306 W Lane Ave., Stockton, CA 95241 
41. Anthony Williams, CADC-I, Addiction Counselor, 1521 N El Dorado St., Stockton, CA 95242 
42. Danielle Moore, CCDP-II, Addiction Counselor, 3219 N California St., Stockton, CA 95243 
43. Jeffrey Johnson, LCPC-C, Addiction Counselor, 811 W Fremont St., Stockton, CA 95244 
44. Melissa Davis, LMFT-S, Addiction Counselor, 3010 W Benjamin Holt Dr., Stockton, CA 95245 
45. Jonathan Miller, LMHC-S, Addiction Counselor, 6708 N Wilson Way, Stockton, CA 95246 
46. Brian White, LPC-C, Addiction Counselor, 2902 E Fremont St., Stockton, CA 95247 
47. Rebecca Smith, CADC-II, Addiction Counselor, 1107 W Hammer Ln., Stockton, CA 95248 
48. Matthew Brown, LCAC-S, Addiction Counselor, 9604 N El Dorado St., Stockton, CA 95249 
49. Ryan Martinez, LADC, Addiction Counselor, 2309 N California St., Stockton, CA 95250 
50. David Taylor, LCSW-C, Addiction Counselor, 5202 W Lane Ave., Stockton, CA 95251 
51. Anthony Williams, CADC-I, Addiction Counselor, 3120 E Fremont St., Stockton, CA 95252 
52. Heather Moore, CCDP-II, Addiction Counselor, 5106 N Wilson Way, Stockton, CA 95253 
53. Jeffrey Johnson, LCPC-C, Addiction Counselor, 602 W Fremont St., Stockton, CA 95254 
54. Melissa Davis, LMFT-S, Addiction Counselor, 3305 W Benjamin Holt Dr., Stockton, CA 95255 
55. Jonathan Miller, LMHC-S, Addiction Counselor, 6103 N El Dorado St., Stockton, CA 95256 
56. Brian White, LPC-C, Addiction Counselor, 3201 N California St., Stockton, CA 95257 
57. Rebecca Smith, CADC-II, Addiction Counselor, 806 E Fremont St., Stockton, CA 95258 
58. Matthew Brown, LCAC-S, Addiction Counselor, 3700 W Hammer Ln., Stockton, CA 95259 
59. Ryan Martinez, LADC, Addiction Counselor, 5103 N Wilson Way, Stockton, CA 95260 
60. David Taylor, LCSW-C, Addiction Counselor, 6605 W Lane Ave., Stockton, CA 95261 
61. Justin Williams, LCAC, Addiction Counselor, 1703 E Fremont St., Stockton, CA 95262 
62. Heather Moore, CADC-I, Addiction Counselor, 4805 N El Dorado St., Stockton, CA 95263 
63. Emily Johnson, LMFT-S, Addiction Counselor, 3901 W Benjamin Holt Dr., Stockton, CA 95264 
64. Amanda Davis, LCPC, Addiction Counselor, 709 W Fremont St., Stockton, CA 95265 
65. Sarah Miller, LMHC, Addiction Counselor, 3205 N California St., Stockton, CA 95266 
66. Michael White, LPC-S, Addiction Counselor, 6208 N Wilson Way, Stockton, CA 95267 
67. Robert Smith, CADC-II, Addiction Counselor, 2702 E Fremont St., Stockton, CA 95268 
68. Elizabeth Brown, LCAC-S, Addiction Counselor, 5005 W Hammer Ln., Stockton, CA 95269 
69. Christopher Martinez, LADC, Addiction Counselor, 5607 N El Dorado St., Stockton, CA 95270 
70. Jessica Taylor, LCSW-C, Addiction Counselor, 5903 W Lane Ave., Stockton, CA 95271 
71. Anthony Williams, CADC-I, Addiction Counselor, 1908 E Fremont St., Stockton, CA 95272 
72. Danielle Moore, CCDP-II, Addiction Counselor, 4609 N Wilson Way, Stockton, CA 95273 
73. Jeffrey Johnson, LCPC-C, Addiction Counselor, 712 W Fremont St., Stockton, CA 95274 
74. Melissa Davis, LMFT-S, Addiction Counselor, 3411 W Benjamin Holt Dr., Stockton, CA 95275 
75. Jonathan Miller, LMHC-S, Addiction Counselor, 6408 N El Dorado St., Stockton, CA 95276 
76. Brian White, LPC-C, Addiction Counselor, 4305 N California St., Stockton, CA 95277 
77. Rebecca Smith, CADC-II, Addiction Counselor, 1602 E Fremont St., Stockton, CA 95278 
78. Matthew Brown, LCAC-S, Addiction Counselor, 6406 W Hammer Ln., Stockton, CA 95279 
79. Ryan Martinez, LADC, Addiction Counselor, 5505 N Wilson Way, Stockton, CA 95280 
80. David Taylor, LCSW-C, Addiction Counselor, 7703 W Lane Ave., Stockton, CA 95281 
81. Justin Williams, LCAC, Addiction Counselor, 2909 E Fremont St., Stockton, CA 95282 

Geovanny Conn

Geovanny Conn

I can creep under the table: she opened it, and kept doubling itself up and walking away. 'You.