What is Hand Surgery
Hand surgery is a procedure that can be performed on your hands to help them heal. There are many different types of hand surgeries, each with its own purpose and benefits. If you have arthritis or other injuries on your hands, then they may benefit from having surgery performed.
What does hand surgery do
Hand surgery is used to treat a variety of conditions, including arthritis, tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome. Hand surgery can also be used to treat injuries caused by birth defects or accidents.
Hand surgery involves the repair of broken bones and torn muscles in your hands. It's important that you understand what hand surgery can do for you before undergoing this procedure so you know whether it's right for your needs.
What is the most common hand surgery
The most common hand surgery is arthroscopic debridement and fixation (ADF), which can be performed as an outpatient procedure. In this procedure, the surgeon makes a small incision in your hand to remove necrotic tissue and then uses sutures to close the wound. The goal is to provide better blood flow around your joint so that it heals more quickly. This may also help prevent future pain or swelling related to arthritis or other conditions affecting the joint capsule of your hand. If there's no infection present at the time of surgery, you'll likely be able to return home after one night of recovery at our St Louis hospital facility
What types of hand surgery are there?
Hand surgery is a broad term that can refer to a number of procedures performed on the hands. There are several different types of hand surgeries, including:
Arthroscopic surgery: Arthroscopic surgery involves making an incision in the skin and tightening muscles with tiny surgical instruments called "arthroscopes." This type of procedure is done under local anesthesia (a drug that numbs pain). It's typically used to treat certain conditions such as arthritis or bursitis (inflammation caused by repetitive motions).
Neurolysis: In neurolysis, doctors cut away damaged nerves and tissue so they won't interfere with normal function again. This procedure may be used if you have been injured or damaged by an injury—for example, when your tendon has been torn off its foundation; however, there are other reasons why neurolysis might be necessary as well. For example, if someone suffers from diabetes which has weakened their tendons over time; this could lead to further damage due to poor blood flow into these muscles/tendons which could cause them not function properly anymore unless treated correctly!
Is hand surgery very painful?
The most common hand surgery involves removal of the middle phalanges (or knuckles). This is a very simple procedure that can be done under local anesthesia with no long-term restrictions.
In some cases, your doctor may recommend having the surgery at a hospital or outpatient center where you will have access to nursing care for pain relief. If you are in pain after surgery and require medication, please ask your doctor about it when considering what type of operation he/she recommends for your particular case. Most medications are given through an IV line so there may be some discomfort associated with prescribing these types of drugs. You may also find ice packs helpful during recovery from this type of surgery; however, if you have any questions about how best to manage the discomfort associated with hand injuries or other types of treatments like this one then please contact us here at [our name] today!
How long is recovery after hand surgery?
Hand surgery recovery time is usually 12-16 weeks. In general, you will need to take time off work during this period and will also need to use a special hand splint, brace or glove for that period of time. You should also expect some minor pain or discomfort when moving your fingers at first but this should go away as your body heals itself.
Hand surgery is a very common procedure, and it can be quite painful and difficult to recover from. If you need hand surgery, the best thing you can do is make sure that your doctor has experience with this type of procedure, as well as other medical conditions such as arthritis pain or nerve damage. The best way to find out if someone has experience performing hand surgery is by checking their website or asking around at your local hospital.
Top Hand Surgeon In Norfolk, VA
1. Dr. Justin D. Finerman, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 801 Fairfax Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23507
2. Dr. Erick R. Ahlstrom, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 890 W. Little Creek Road, Suite 400, Norfolk, VA 23502
3. Dr. Richard L. Smith, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 740 West 22nd Street, Suite 203, Norfolk, VA 23504
4. Dr. Stephen H. Beard, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 723 W. Olney Road, Norfolk, VA 23507
5. Dr. Paul E. Dunham, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 901 W. Little Creek Road, Suite 410, Norfolk, VA 23502
6. Dr. Todd A. Wegman, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 1501 Colley Avenue, Suite 804, Norfolk, VA 23507
7. Dr. Richard J. Shatto, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 825 Fairfax Avenue, Suite 400, Norfolk, VA 23507
8. Dr. John E. Clark, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 877 W. Little Creek Road, Suite 411, Norfolk, VA 23502
9. Dr. James M. Taylor, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 101 W. 21st Street, Suite 301, Norfolk, VA 23504
10. Dr. Mark A. White, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 740 W. Little Creek Road, Suite 302, Norfolk, VA 23507
11. Dr. Mark A. Chesney, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 824 Fairfax Avenue, Suite 500, Norfolk, VA 23507
12. Dr. Christopher J. Haight, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 890 W. Little Creek Road, Suite 400, Norfolk, VA 23502
13. Dr. John J. Quigley, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 719 W. Olney Road, Norfolk, VA 23507
14. Dr. Robert E. Maffei, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 10 W. 21st Street, Suite 303, Norfolk, VA 23504
15. Dr. Thomas S. Cross, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 877 W. Little Creek Road, Suite 411, Norfolk, VA 23502
16. Dr. Brian J. Koehler, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 825 Fairfax Avenue, Suite 400, Norfolk, VA 23507
17. Dr. Lawrence M. Alford, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 890 W. Little Creek Road, Suite 400, Norfolk, VA 23502
18. Dr. Jeffrey P. O'Brien, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 740 West 22nd Street, Suite 203, Norfolk, VA 23504
19. Dr. Robert L. Anderson, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 723 W. Olney Road, Norfolk, VA 23507
20. Dr. Steven P. Buehrer, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 1501 Colley Avenue, Suite 804, Norfolk, VA 23507
21. Dr. Steven M. Houser, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 901 W. Little Creek Road, Suite 410, Norfolk, VA 23502
22. Dr. Richard K. Crandall, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 877 W. Little Creek Road, Suite 411, Norfolk, VA 23502
23. Dr. Gregory S. Nolte, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 101 W. 21st Street, Suite 301, Norfolk, VA 23504
24. Dr. Eric T. Schuettpelz, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 740 W. Little Creek Road, Suite 302, Norfolk, VA 23507
25. Dr. Charles D. Patterson, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 824 Fairfax Avenue, Suite 500, Norfolk, VA 23507
26. Dr. Kenneth R. Jordan, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 890 W. Little Creek Road, Suite 400, Norfolk, VA 23502
27. Dr. Jeffrey J. Schneider, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 719 W. Olney Road, Norfolk, VA 23507
28. Dr. Mark E. Taylor, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 10 W. 21st Street, Suite 303, Norfolk, VA 23504
29. Dr. David A. Marshall, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 877 W. Little Creek Road, Suite 411, Norfolk, VA 23502
30. Dr. Thomas G. Mitchell, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 825 Fairfax Avenue, Suite 400, Norfolk, VA 23507
31. Dr. David E. Parr, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 890 W. Little Creek Road, Suite 400, Norfolk, VA 23502
32. Dr. Benjamin J. Rose, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 740 West 22nd Street, Suite 203, Norfolk, VA 23504
33. Dr. William M. Henderson, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 723 W. Olney Road, Norfolk, VA 23507
34. Dr. Robert M. Johnson, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 1501 Colley Avenue, Suite 804, Norfolk, VA 23507
35. Dr. Kenneth J. Prichard, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 901 W. Little Creek Road, Suite 410, Norfolk, VA 23502
36. Dr. John S. Townsend, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 877 W. Little Creek Road, Suite 411, Norfolk, VA 23502
37. Dr. Gary A. Korsen, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 101 W. 21st Street, Suite 301, Norfolk, VA 23504
38. Dr. Jeffrey S. Burke, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 740 W. Little Creek Road, Suite 302, Norfolk, VA 23507
39. Dr. Ronald W. Hill, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 824 Fairfax Avenue, Suite 500, Norfolk, VA 23507
40. Dr. Stephen L. Abramson, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 890 W. Little Creek Road, Suite 400, Norfolk, VA 23502
41. Dr. David M. Price, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 719 W. Olney Road, Norfolk, VA 23507
42. Dr. Christopher H. Buck, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 10 W. 21st Street, Suite 303, Norfolk, VA 23504
43. Dr. Peter H. Jacobs, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 877 W. Little Creek Road, Suite 411, Norfolk, VA 23502
44. Dr. Edward J. Jarrell, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 825 Fairfax Avenue, Suite 400, Norfolk, VA 23507
45. Dr. Richard G. Russell, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 890 W. Little Creek Road, Suite 400, Norfolk, VA 23502
46. Dr. William R. Fuchs, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 740 West 22nd Street, Suite 203, Norfolk, VA 23504
47. Dr. Timothy A. Long, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 723 W. Olney Road, Norfolk, VA 23507
48. Dr. Jeffrey C. Stone, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 1501 Colley Avenue, Suite 804, Norfolk, VA 23507
49. Dr. Michael A. Cohen, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 901 W. Little Creek Road, Suite 410, Norfolk, VA 23502
50. Dr. Donald P. Welsh, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 877 W. Little Creek Road, Suite 411, Norfolk, VA 23502
51. Dr. Scott D. McQuillin, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 101 W. 21st Street, Suite 301, Norfolk, VA 23504
52. Dr. Andrew R. Hecht, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 740 W. Little Creek Road, Suite 302, Norfolk, VA 23507
53. Dr. Richard L. Mehlman, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 824 Fairfax Avenue, Suite 500, Norfolk, VA 23507
54. Dr. Charles W. Fuller, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 890 W. Little Creek Road, Suite 400, Norfolk, VA 23502
55. Dr. Joseph M. Kunz, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 719 W. Olney Road, Norfolk, VA 23507
56. Dr. Charles S. King, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 10 W. 21st Street, Suite 303, Norfolk, VA 23504
57. Dr. Peter J. Metzger, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 877 W. Little Creek Road, Suite 411, Norfolk, VA 23502
58. Dr. Robert J. Kapp, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 825 Fairfax Avenue, Suite 400, Norfolk, VA 23507
59. Dr. Thomas E. Williams, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 890 W. Little Creek Road, Suite 400, Norfolk, VA 23502
60. Dr. John F. Smith, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 740 West 22nd Street, Suite 203, Norfolk, VA 23504
61. Dr. Stephen R. Ball, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 723 W. Olney Road, Norfolk, VA 23507
62. Dr. John W. Hartman, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 1501 Colley Avenue, Suite 804, Norfolk, VA 23507
63. Dr. David C. Parker, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 901 W. Little Creek Road, Suite 410, Norfolk, VA 23502
64. Dr. Thomas H. Johnson, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 877 W. Little Creek Road, Suite 411, Norfolk, VA 23502
65. Dr. Richard P. Reynolds, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 101 W. 21st Street, Suite 301, Norfolk, VA 23504
66. Dr. David A. Toubman, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 740 W. Little Creek Road, Suite 302, Norfolk, VA 23507
67. Dr. Kenneth J. Zemel, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 824 Fairfax Avenue, Suite 500, Norfolk, VA 23507
68. Dr. John M. O'Brien, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 890 W. Little Creek Road, Suite 400, Norfolk, VA 23502
69. Dr. Robert A. Steinberg, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 719 W. Olney Road, Norfolk, VA 23507
70. Dr. William J. Conway, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 10 W. 21st Street, Suite 303, Norfolk, VA 23504
71. Dr. Steven M. Dovgan, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgeon, 877 W. Little Creek Road, Suite 411, Norfolk, VA 23502