• 05 Feb, 2025

Best Infectious Disease Specialist In Aurora

Best Infectious Disease Specialist In Aurora

Epidemiology is a branch of medical science that deals with the study of the patterns, causes, and effects of health and disease conditions in defined populations. It is a crucial aspect of public health that seeks to understand how diseases spread and how to prevent and control them

What is Epidemiology? 

Epidemiology is a branch of medical science that deals with the study of the patterns, causes, and effects of health and disease conditions in defined populations. It is a crucial aspect of public health that seeks to understand how diseases spread and how to prevent and control them. This article will explore the fundamentals of epidemiology, including its history, scope, methods, and application. 

History of Epidemiology 

Epidemiology has a long history dating back to the early days of medicine. The first recorded instance of epidemiology was in the 5th century BC when Hippocrates, the father of medicine, noted the connection between environmental factors and diseases. However, the modern era of epidemiology started in the 19th century with the work of John Snow, who famously traced the source of a cholera outbreak in London to a contaminated water pump. 

Scope of Epidemiology 

Epidemiology encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including biology, statistics, mathematics, and social sciences. Its scope includes the investigation of infectious and non-infectious diseases, environmental and occupational health, health disparities, and social determinants of health. Epidemiologists use a variety of methods and tools to study diseases, including observational and experimental studies, disease surveillance, and mathematical modeling. 


Top Infectious Disease Specialist In Aurora, CO 


1. Dr. David R. Beall, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

2. Dr. Joseph E. Burch, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

3. Dr. Michael L. Butler, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

4. Dr. David J. Chambers, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

5. Dr. Donald J. Christensen, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

6. Dr. Jeffrey L. Cohen, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

7. Dr. Lawrence J. Collins, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

8. Dr. Evan M. Davis, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

9. Dr. William C. DeBari, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

10. Dr. Robert M. Eisenberg, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

11. Dr. David J. Engler, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

12. Dr. John W. Farr, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

13. Dr. Edward W. Field, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

14. Dr. John L. Gable, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

15. Dr. David M. Gerstner, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

16. Dr. Robert J. Gilman, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

17. Dr. Terence M. Gleason, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

18. Dr. Jeffrey M. Gordon, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

19. Dr. John E. Gorman, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

20. Dr. David L. Green, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

21. Dr. Robert R. Haber, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

22. Dr. Stephen E. Hale, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

23. Dr. William E. Hall, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

24. Dr. Paul M. Hargrove, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

25. Dr. John F. Hart, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

26. Dr. Robert S. Hay, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

27. Dr. Francis B. Heise, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

28. Dr. Robert J. Heitman, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

29. Dr. John P. Hill, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

30. Dr. Jeffrey C. Hirsch, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

31. Dr. Robert C. Hoekstra, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

32. Dr. Steven M. Hoenig, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

33. Dr. Stephen P. Hulme, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

34. Dr. Richard M. Jenkins, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

35. Dr. John W. Johnson, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

36. Dr. Christopher R. Jones, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

37. Dr. Jeffrey S. Karp, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

38. Dr. Robert M. Kelleher, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

39. Dr. Kenneth L. Kennebeck, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

40. Dr. Robert W. Kern, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

41. Dr. David A. King, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

42. Dr. John F. Kirsch, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

43. Dr. Paul R. Koke, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

44. Dr. Alan J. Kopke, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

45. Dr. Paul D. Kramer, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

46. Dr. Ronald E. Kummer, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

47. Dr. Mark A. Lacy, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

48. Dr. Kenneth J. Lamb, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

49. Dr. John E. Lang, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

50. Dr. Michael A. Leff, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

51. Dr. David M. Lindsey, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

52. Dr. Thomas J. Lippe, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

53. Dr. Bruce C. Macomber, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

54. Dr. Richard S. Madore, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

55. Dr. William H. Malm, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

56. Dr. David W. Marston, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

57. Dr. John W. McCall, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

58. Dr. Robert E. McCauley, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

59. Dr. Michael S. McDaniel, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

60. Dr. Keith A. McKee, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

61. Dr. James R. McNeil, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

62. Dr. Thomas L. Miller, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

63. Dr. John E. Moeller, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

64. Dr. David A. Morgan, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

65. Dr. Michael J. Morris, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

66. Dr. Thomas J. O'Neil, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

67. Dr. Stephen L. Ostrowski, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

68. Dr. David G. Palmer, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

69. Dr. Michael J. Patel, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

70. Dr. Robert B. Paul, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

71. Dr. Jeffrey R. Pensacola, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

72. Dr. Stephen F. Peterson, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

73. Dr. Randall C. Phillips, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

74. Dr. Ronald E. Platt, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

75. Dr. James E. Pollack, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

76. Dr. John S. Ragsdale, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

77. Dr. William C. Rau, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

78. Dr. John E. Redding, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

79. Dr. David W. Rein, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

80. Dr. Michael A. Riehle, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

81. Dr. Joel S. Robinson, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

82. Dr. Robert E. Roda, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

83. Dr. William D. Rosenblatt, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

84. Dr. Paul M. Rupp, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

85. Dr. William L. Russell, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

86. Dr. Jeffrey L. Salkin, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

87. Dr. Thomas D. Sanders, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

88. Dr. John M. Schatz, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

89. Dr. Kenneth R. Schultz, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

90. Dr. Robert H. Schwartz, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

91. Dr. John L. Sheets, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

92. Dr. Donald J. Smith, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

93. Dr. John H. Spencer, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

94. Dr. Robert C. Sproat, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

95. Dr. John P. Stahl, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

96. Dr. Paul G. Stanley, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

97. Dr. Arthur L. Steinberg, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045

98. Dr. James J. Stewart, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

99. Dr. Stephen P. Stratton, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1501 S Potomac St #220, Aurora, CO 80012

100. Dr. James B. Sullivan, Infectious Disease Specialist, 1635 Aurora Ct #104, Aurora, CO 80045





Vinnie Gutkowski

Vinnie Gutkowski

King, and the Queen had ordered. They very soon finished off the subjects on his slate with one.