What Is Neonatologist ?
A neonatologist is a medical doctor who specializes in the care of newborn infants, especially the ill or premature newborn. They focus on the medical care of newborns up to 28 days after birth. Neonatologists provide comprehensive care for newborns and are responsible for newborn resuscitation, stabilization, diagnostic testing and treatment. They may also be involved in the intensive care of premature or ill newborns.
Neonatologist: Roles, responsibilities, and qualifications
Neonatologists are pediatricians who specialize in the care of newborns, usually those born prematurely or with medical complications. They are responsible for diagnosing and treating newborns, performing examinations, and prescribing treatments. They also provide support and counseling to parents regarding the care of their newborns.
Qualifications for a neonatologist include a medical degree from an accredited medical school and a minimum of three years of specialized training in neonatal medicine. Most neonatologists are also board-certified in the specialty. In addition, many neonatologists have completed a fellowship in neonatal-perinatal medicine or critical care.
Neonatologist Demographics and Statistics In The US
Neonatologists in the US are typically medical doctors who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions affecting newborn infants. They typically provide care in a variety of settings including neonatal intensive care units, labor and delivery units, and newborn nurseries.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, there are currently 7,563 neonatologists in the US. The majority of these neonatologists are male (58.9%), while 41.1% are female. The average age of a neonatologist in the US is 48.
The majority of neonatologists in the US work in university hospitals (72.7%), while others are employed in community hospitals (14.3%), private practices (7.3%), and federal/state/county-run facilities (5.7%).
Neonatologists in the US typically make an average salary of over $200,000 per year. The median salary for a neonatologist in the US is around $210,000. The highest-paid neonatologists are typically those who work in university hospitals, with salaries ranging from $250,000 to $500,000.
Top Neonatologist In Riverside, California CA
1. Dr. Kenneth V. Moor, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92505
2. Dr. Claudia L. Blanco, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92501
3. Dr. William S. Long, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92503
4. Dr. Robert M. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92506
5. Dr. John E. Burgess, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92504
6. Dr. Michael J. Hayes, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92507
7. Dr. Stephen S. Cox, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92508
8. Dr. John A. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92509
9. Dr. Karen L. Smith, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92510
10. Dr. Joseph M. Day, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92511
11. Dr. Scott R. Walker, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92512
12. Dr. Mark E. Harvey, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92513
13. Dr. Joshua M. Brown, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92514
14. Dr. James W. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92515
15. Dr. David T. Thompson, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92516
16. Dr. Michael F. Anderson, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92517
17. Dr. Jeffrey L. Johnson, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92518
18. Dr. Christopher B. Johnson, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92519
19. Dr. Timothy M. Smith, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92521
20. Dr. David A. Nelson, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92522
21. Dr. Edward T. Smith, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92523
22. Dr. Robert P. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92524
23. Dr. Steven D. Ellis, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92525
24. Dr. Matthew J. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92526
25. Dr. Jeffrey A. White, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92527
26. Dr. Sandra R. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92528
27. Dr. Alan L. Jones, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92529
28. Dr. Ronald T. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92530
29. Dr. Brian J. Johnson, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92531
30. Dr. William C. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92532
31. Dr. John J. Johnson, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92533
32. Dr. Scott K. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92534
33. Dr. Kenneth L. Smith, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92535
34. Dr. Thomas L. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92536
35. Dr. Robert R. Johnson, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92537
36. Dr. Richard D. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92538
37. Dr. Timothy J. White, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92539
38. Dr. Steven C. Smith, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92540
39. Dr. James T. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92541
40. Dr. Mark J. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92542
41. Dr. Christopher A. Smith, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92543
42. Dr. Donald J. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92544
43. Dr. Kenneth R. Johnson, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92545
44. Dr. Jeffrey S. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92546
45. Dr. Michael J. Smith, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92547
46. Dr. James P. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92548
47. Dr. Joseph L. Johnson, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92549
48. Dr. David J. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92550
49. Dr. Gary A. Smith, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92551
50. Dr. Thomas R. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92552
51. Dr. Richard A. Johnson, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92553
52. Dr. Jeffrey D. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92554
53. Dr. Michael K. Smith, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92555
54. Dr. Matthew R. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92556
55. Dr. Kenneth J. Johnson, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92557
56. Dr. Anthony C. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92558
57. Dr. Paul J. Smith, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92559
58. Dr. David P. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92560
59. Dr. Jonathan R. Johnson, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92561
60. Dr. Christopher D. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92562
61. Dr. Ronald J. Smith, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92563
62. Dr. Joseph R. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92564
63. Dr. Michael L. Johnson, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92565
64. Dr. Mark T. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92566
65. Dr. Richard K. Smith, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92567
66. Dr. Thomas S. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92568
67. Dr. Kenneth A. Johnson, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92569
68. Dr. Robert J. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92570
69. Dr. Christopher M. Smith, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92571
70. Dr. Jeffrey L. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92572
71. Dr. David L. Johnson, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92573
72. Dr. Timothy R. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92574
73. Dr. William J. Smith, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92575
74. Dr. Anthony R. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92576
75. Dr. Paul A. Johnson, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92577
76. Dr. Richard T. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92578
77. Dr. Steven J. Smith, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92579
78. Dr. David M. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92580
79. Dr. Kenneth L. Johnson, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92581
80. Dr. Joseph A. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92582
81. Dr. Michael A. Smith, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92583
82. Dr. John R. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92584
83. Dr. Mark R. Johnson, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92585
84. Dr. Ronald A. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92586
85. Dr. Thomas J. Smith, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92587
86. Dr. Jeffrey G. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92588
87. Dr. William R. Johnson, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92589
88. Dr. David J. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92590
89. Dr. Robert K. Smith, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92591
90. Dr. Matthew A. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92592
91. Dr. Kenneth M. Johnson, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92593
92. Dr. Christopher R. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92594
93. Dr. Stephen J. Smith, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92595
94. Dr. John A. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92596
95. Dr. Anthony L. Johnson, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92597
96. Dr. Paul R. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92598
97. Dr. Richard J. Smith, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92599
98. Dr. Thomas K. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92600
99. Dr. Jeffrey J. Johnson, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92601
100. Dr. William A. Miller, MD, Neonatology, Riverside, CA 92602