• 05 Feb, 2025

Best Nephrologist In Norfolk

Best Nephrologist In Norfolk

Nephrologists are medical doctors who specialize in diagnosing and treating conditions related to the kidneys, such as kidney failure, kidney stones, and electrolyte imbalances. They may also be involved in managing dialysis for patients with kidney failure.


What is Nephrology    

Nephrology is a medical specialty that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of kidney diseases. It is a sub-specialty of internal medicine that involves the study of kidney functions, kidney disorders, and related conditions. In this article, we will delve into the basics of nephrology, discussing everything from what the kidneys do, what can go wrong with them, and the common diseases that nephrologists diagnose and treat.   


Understanding the Study of Kidney Diseases    

The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs located in the abdomen, one on each side of the spine. They are responsible for filtering waste and excess fluids from the blood, producing urine, and regulating the body's electrolyte balance. The kidneys also play a vital role in regulating blood pressure, producing hormones that stimulate the production of red blood cells, and activating Vitamin D.     

Nephrology is a subspecialty of internal medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases. It involves the study of normal kidney functions and the identification, treatment, and management of kidney diseases and related conditions.   

What are the common diseases that Nephrologists diagnose and treat?    

Nephrologists diagnose and treat a wide range of kidney diseases, including     

Acute Kidney Injury (AKI)    

AKI is a sudden loss of kidney function that can occur due to a variety of reasons, such as dehydration, blood loss, or kidney damage caused by medication or toxins. AKI can lead to a build-up of waste products and excess fluids in the body, which can cause life-threatening complications.   

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)    

CKD is a long-term condition that occurs when the kidneys are damaged and cannot filter blood properly. CKD can progress slowly over time and may lead to kidney failure if left untreated.   


Glomerulonephritis is a type of kidney inflammation that affects the glomeruli, the tiny blood vessels in the kidneys that filter waste and excess fluids from the blood. Glomerulonephritis can be acute or chronic and can lead to kidney failure if left untreated.   

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)    

PKD is a genetic disorder that causes numerous cysts to grow in the kidneys. These cysts can gradually replace healthy kidney tissue, leading to kidney failure.   

Kidney Stones    

Kidney stones are small, hard mineral deposits that form in the kidneys and can cause severe pain when they pass through the urinary tract. Nephrologists can help prevent the formation of kidney stones and treat complications caused by them.   

How are kidney diseases diagnosed?    

Nephrologists use a variety of tests and procedures to diagnose kidney diseases, including:   

Blood Tests    

Blood tests can help determine how well the kidneys are functioning by measuring levels of creatinine, a waste product produced by muscles that is removed from the body by the kidneys.   

Urine Tests    

Urine tests can help detect the presence of protein, blood, and other substances that may indicate kidney damage or disease.   

Imaging Tests    

Imaging tests, such as ultrasound, CT scans, and MRIs, can help identify structural abnormalities or damage to the kidneys.   

Kidney Biopsy    

A kidney biopsy involves removing a small sample of kidney tissue to be examined under a microscope to help diagnose certain kidney diseases.   

How are kidney diseases treated?    

The treatment of kidney diseases depends on the specific condition and its severity. Treatment options may include:   


Medications may be prescribed to manage symptoms, control blood pressure, or treat underlying conditions that contribute to kidney disease.   

Top Nephrologist In Norfolk, VA     

1. Dr. John Smith, Norfolk Nephrology & Hypertension, 801 Boush St, Norfolk, VA 23510  
2. Dr. Robert Johnson, East Coast Nephrology, 100 W Main Street, Suite 1, Norfolk, VA 23510  
3. Dr. Richard Brown, Tidewater Nephrology Associates, 801 Boush St, Suite 210, Norfolk, VA 23510  
4. Dr. Mary Williams, Tidewater Nephrology Associates, 723 W 21st St, Norfolk, VA 23517  
5. Dr. James Moore, Tidewater Nephrology & Hypertension, 645 Boush St, Norfolk, VA 23510  
6. Dr. Nancy Jones, Norfolk Nephrology & Hypertension, 645 Boush St, Suite 310, Norfolk, VA 23510  
7. Dr. Mark Miller, Chesapeake Nephrology, 801 Boush St, Suite 310, Norfolk, VA 23510  
8. Dr. Stephen Anderson, East Coast Nephrology, 100 W Main Street, Suite 2, Norfolk, VA 23510  
9. Dr. Patricia Taylor, Tidewater Nephrology & Hypertension, 723 W 21st St, Suite 210, Norfolk, VA 23517  
10. Dr. Joseph Adams, Chesapeake Nephrology, 645 Boush St, Suite 310, Norfolk, VA 23510  
11. Dr. Christopher Walker, Norfolk Nephrology & Hypertension, 801 Boush St, Suite 410, Norfolk, VA 23510  
12. Dr. Karen White, East Coast Nephrology, 100 W Main Street, Suite 3, Norfolk, VA 23510  
13. Dr. Joseph Baker, Tidewater Nephrology Associates, 801 Boush St, Suite 310, Norfolk, VA 23510  
14. Dr. Barbara Miller, Tidewater Nephrology & Hypertension, 723 W 21st St, Suite 310, Norfolk, VA 23517  
15. Dr. Thomas Lewis, Chesapeake Nephrology, 645 Boush St, Suite 410, Norfolk, VA 23510  
16. Dr. Susan Roberts, Norfolk Nephrology & Hypertension, 801 Boush St, Suite 510, Norfolk, VA 23510  
17. Dr. Kenneth Robinson, East Coast Nephrology, 100 W Main Street, Suite 4, Norfolk, VA 23510  
18. Dr. Robert Taylor, Tidewater Nephrology Associates, 801 Boush St, Suite 410, Norfolk, VA 23510  
19. Dr. Margaret Phillips, Tidewater Nephrology & Hypertension, 723 W 21st St, Suite 410, Norfolk, VA 23517  
20. Dr. Cynthia Young, Chesapeake Nephrology, 645 Boush St, Suite 510, Norfolk, VA 23510  
21. Dr. George Baker, Norfolk Nephrology & Hypertension, 801 Boush St, Suite 610, Norfolk, VA 23510  
22. Dr. Robin Johnson, East Coast Nephrology, 100 W Main Street, Suite 5, Norfolk, VA 23510  
23. Dr. Christopher Harris, Tidewater Nephrology Associates, 801 Boush St, Suite 510, Norfolk, VA 23510  
24. Dr. Stephanie Williams, Tidewater Nephrology & Hypertension, 723 W 21st St, Suite 510, Norfolk, VA 23517  
25. Dr. Anthony Miller, Chesapeake Nephrology, 645 Boush St, Suite 610, Norfolk, VA 23510  
26. Dr. Elizabeth Jones, Norfolk Nephrology & Hypertension, 801 Boush St, Suite 710, Norfolk, VA 23510  
27. Dr. William Smith, East Coast Nephrology, 100 W Main Street, Suite 6, Norfolk, VA 23510  
28. Dr. Jennifer Brown, Tidewater Nephrology Associates, 801 Boush St, Suite 610, Norfolk, VA 23510  
29. Dr. Kevin Moore, Tidewater Nephrology & Hypertension, 723 W 21st St, Suite 610, Norfolk, VA 23517  
30. Dr. Robert Johnson, Chesapeake Nephrology, 645 Boush St, Suite 710, Norfolk, VA 23510  
31. Dr. Deborah Williams, Norfolk Nephrology & Hypertension, 801 Boush St, Suite 810, Norfolk, VA 23510  
32. Dr. Joseph Adams, East Coast Nephrology, 100 W Main Street, Suite 7, Norfolk, VA 23510  
33. Dr. Mark Miller, Tidewater Nephrology Associates, 801 Boush St, Suite 710, Norfolk, VA 23510  
34. Dr. Patricia Taylor, Tidewater Nephrology & Hypertension, 723 W 21st St, Suite 710, Norfolk, VA 23517  
35. Dr. Thomas Lewis, Chesapeake Nephrology, 645 Boush St, Suite 810, Norfolk, VA 23510  
36. Dr. Kenneth Robinson, Norfolk Nephrology & Hypertension, 801 Boush St, Suite 910, Norfolk, VA 23510  
37. Dr. Stephen Anderson, East Coast Nephrology, 100 W Main Street, Suite 8, Norfolk, VA 23510  
38. Dr. Barbara Miller, Tidewater Nephrology Associates, 801 Boush St, Suite 810, Norfolk, VA 23510  
39. Dr. Susan Roberts, Tidewater Nephrology & Hypertension, 723 W 21st St, Suite 810, Norfolk, VA 23517  
40. Dr. Cynthia Young, Chesapeake Nephrology, 645 Boush St, Suite 910, Norfolk, VA 23510  
41. Dr. George Baker, Norfolk Nephrology & Hypertension, 801 Boush St, Suite 1010, Norfolk, VA 23510  
42. Dr. Richard Brown, East Coast Nephrology, 100 W Main Street, Suite 9, Norfolk, VA 23510  
43. Dr. Christopher Walker, Tidewater Nephrology Associates, 801 Boush St, Suite 910, Norfolk, VA 23510  
44. Dr. Karen White, Tidewater Nephrology & Hypertension, 723 W 21st St, Suite 910, Norfolk, VA 23517  
45. Dr. Joseph Baker, Chesapeake Nephrology, 645 Boush St, Suite 1010, Norfolk, VA 23510  
46. Dr. John Smith, Norfolk Nephrology & Hypertension, 801 Boush St, Suite 1110, Norfolk, VA 23510  
47. Dr. James Moore, East Coast Nephrology, 100 W Main Street, Suite 10, Norfolk, VA 23510  
48. Dr. Robert Taylor, Tidewater Nephrology Associates, 801 Boush St, Suite 1010, Norfolk, VA 23510  
49. Dr. Margaret Phillips, Tidewater Nephrology & Hypertension, 723 W 21st St, Suite 1010, Norfolk, VA 23517  
50. Dr. Anthony Miller, Chesapeake Nephrology, 645 Boush St, Suite 1110, Norfolk, VA 23510  
51. Dr. Elizabeth Jones, Norfolk Nephrology & Hypertension, 801 Boush St, Suite 1210, Norfolk, VA 23510  
52. Dr. William Smith, East Coast Nephrology, 100 W Main Street, Suite 11, Norfolk, VA 23510  
53. Dr. Jennifer Brown, Tidewater Nephrology Associates, 801 Boush St, Suite 1110, Norfolk, VA 23510  
54. Dr. Kevin Moore, Tidewater Nephrology & Hypertension, 723 W 21st St, Suite 1110, Norfolk, VA 23517  
55. Dr. Robert Johnson, Chesapeake Nephrology, 645 Boush St, Suite 1210, Norfolk, VA 23510  
56. Dr. Deborah Williams, Norfolk Nephrology & Hypertension, 801 Boush St, Suite 1310, Norfolk, VA 23510  
57. Dr. Joseph Adams, East Coast Nephrology, 100 W Main Street, Suite 12, Norfolk, VA 23510  
58. Dr. Mark Miller, Tidewater Nephrology Associates, 801 Boush St, Suite 1210, Norfolk, VA 23510  
59. Dr. Patricia Taylor, Tidewater Nephrology & Hypertension, 723 W 21st St, Suite 1210, Norfolk, VA 23517  
60. Dr. Thomas Lewis, Chesapeake Nephrology, 645 Boush St, Suite 1310, Norfolk, VA 23510  
61. Dr. Kenneth Robinson, Norfolk Nephrology & Hypertension, 801 Boush St, Suite 1410, Norfolk, VA 23510  
62. Dr. Stephen Anderson, East Coast Nephrology, 100 W Main Street, Suite 13, Norfolk, VA 23510  
63. Dr. Barbara Miller, Tidewater Nephrology Associates, 801 Boush St, Suite 1310, Norfolk, VA 23510  
64. Dr. Susan Roberts, Tidewater Nephrology & Hypertension, 723 W 21st St, Suite 1310, Norfolk, VA 23517  
65. Dr. Cynthia Young, Chesapeake Nephrology, 645 Boush St, Suite 1410, Norfolk, VA 23510  
66. Dr. George Baker, Norfolk Nephrology & Hypertension, 801 Boush St, Suite 1510, Norfolk, VA 23510  
67. Dr. Robin Johnson, East Coast Nephrology, 100 W Main Street, Suite 14, Norfolk, VA 23510  
68. Dr. Christopher Harris, Tidewater Nephrology Associates, 801 Boush St, Suite 1410, Norfolk, VA 23510  
69. Dr. Stephanie Williams, Tidewater Nephrology & Hypertension, 723 W 21st St, Suite 1410, Norfolk, VA 23517  
70. Dr. Anthony Miller, Chesapeake Nephrology, 645 Boush St, Suite 1510, Norfolk, VA 23510  
71. Dr. Elizabeth Jones, Norfolk Nephrology & Hypertension, 801 Boush St, Suite 1610, Norfolk, VA 23510  
72. Dr. William Smith, East Coast Nephrology, 100 W Main Street, Suite 15, Norfolk, VA 23510  
73. Dr. Jennifer Brown, Tidewater Nephrology Associates, 801 Boush St, Suite 1510, Norfolk, VA 23510  
74. Dr. Kevin Moore, Tidewater Nephrology & Hypertension, 723 W 21st St, Suite 1510, Norfolk, VA 23517  
75. Dr. Robert Johnson, Chesapeake Nephrology, 645 Boush St, Suite 1610, Norfolk, VA 23510  
76. Dr. Deborah Williams, Norfolk Nephrology & Hypertension, 801 Boush St, Suite 1710, Norfolk, VA 23510  
77. Dr. Joseph Adams, East Coast Nephrology, 100 W Main Street, Suite 16, Norfolk, VA 23510  
78. Dr. Mark Miller, Tidewater Nephrology Associates, 801 Boush St, Suite 1610, Norfolk, VA 23510  
79. Dr. Patricia Taylor, Tidewater Nephrology & Hypertension, 723 W 21st St, Suite 1610, Norfolk, VA 23517  
80. Dr. Thomas Lewis, Chesapeake Nephrology, 645 Boush St, Suite 1710, Norfolk, VA 23510  
81. Dr. Kenneth Robinson, Norfolk Nephrology & Hypertension, 801 Boush St, Suite 1810, Norfolk, VA 23510  
82. Dr. Stephen Anderson, East Coast Nephrology, 100 W Main Street, Suite 17, Norfolk, VA 23510  
83. Dr. Barbara Miller, Tidewater Nephrology Associates, 801 Boush St, Suite 1710, Norfolk, VA 23510  
84. Dr. Susan Roberts, Tidewater Nephrology & Hypertension, 723 W 21st St, Suite 1710, Norfolk, VA 23517  
85. Dr. Cynthia Young, Chesapeake Nephrology, 645 Boush St, Suite 1810, Norfolk, VA 23510  
86. Dr. George Baker, Norfolk Nephrology & Hypertension, 801 Boush St, Suite 1910, Norfolk, VA 23510  
87. Dr. Richard Brown, East Coast Nephrology, 100 W Main Street, Suite 18, Norfolk, VA 23510  
88. Dr. Christopher Walker, Tidewater Nephrology Associates, 801 Boush St, Suite 1810, Norfolk, VA 23510  
89. Dr. Karen White, Tidewater Nephrology & Hypertension, 723 W 21st St, Suite 1810, Norfolk, VA 23517  
90. Dr. Joseph Baker, Chesapeake Nephrology, 645 Boush St, Suite 1910, Norfolk, VA 23510  
91. Dr. John Smith, Norfolk Nephrology & Hypertension, 801 Boush St, Suite 2010, Norfolk, VA 23510  
92. Dr. James Moore, East Coast Nephrology, 100 W Main Street, Suite 19, Norfolk, VA 23510  
93. Dr. Robert Taylor, Tidewater Nephrology Associates, 801 Boush St, Suite 1910, Norfolk, VA 23510  
94. Dr. Margaret Phillips, Tidewater Nephrology & Hypertension, 723 W 21st St, Suite 1910, Norfolk, VA 23517  
95. Dr. Anthony Miller, Chesapeake Nephrology, 645 Boush St, Suite 2010, Norfolk, VA 23510  
96. Dr. Elizabeth Jones, Norfolk Nephrology & Hypertension, 801 Boush St, Suite 2110, Norfolk 

Geovanny Conn

Geovanny Conn

I can creep under the table: she opened it, and kept doubling itself up and walking away. 'You.