• 05 Feb, 2025

Best Orthopedist In Kansas City

Best Orthopedist In Kansas City

An Orthopedist is a medical doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal conditions and diseases. They are specially trained in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions of the bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons, and can perform surgeries to treat these conditions.

What is Orthopedics  

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Orthopedics is a medical specialty that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of conditions and injuries affecting the musculoskeletal system, including bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Orthopedic specialists, also known as orthopedists or orthopedic surgeons, are trained to treat a wide range of conditions affecting people of all ages, from infants to the elderly. In this article, we'll delve into the world of orthopedics and explore everything you need to know about this fascinating medical specialty.  

What Does an Orthopedic Specialist Do?  

Orthopedic specialists are medical doctors who specialize in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and conditions. They use a variety of techniques and tools to help patients improve their mobility, reduce pain, and regain function. Orthopedic specialists may work in hospitals, clinics, or private practice and may perform surgeries, prescribe medications, or recommend physical therapy, among other treatments.  

Types of Orthopedic Conditions  

Orthopedic conditions can affect any part of the musculoskeletal system and can range from minor injuries to complex degenerative conditions. Some of the most common orthopedic conditions include:  


Arthritis is a condition that causes inflammation and pain in the joints. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including age, genetics, and injury.  


A fracture is a broken bone. Fractures can occur as a result of trauma, such as a fall or car accident, or due to bone weakness caused by osteoporosis or other conditions.  


Tendinitis is an inflammation of the tendons, which are the thick cords that attach muscles to bones. It can be caused by overuse, injury, or certain medical conditions.  

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome  

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that causes pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and arm. It is caused by compression of the median nerve in the wrist.  

Herniated Disc  

A herniated disc occurs when the soft tissue between the spinal vertebrae pushes out through a tear in the outer layer of the disc. This can cause pain, numbness, and weakness in the back and legs.  

How is Orthopedic Conditions Diagnosed?  

Orthopedic specialists use a variety of techniques to diagnose musculoskeletal conditions. These may include:  

Physical Examination  

During a physical examination, an orthopedic specialist will examine the affected area for signs of injury or inflammation. They may also ask the patient to perform certain movements or exercises to assess mobility and function.  

Imaging Tests  

Imaging tests, such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRI scans, can provide detailed images of the bones, joints, and soft tissues, allowing an orthopedic specialist to identify any damage or abnormalities.  

Laboratory Tests  

Blood tests and other laboratory tests may be used to identify underlying medical conditions that may be contributing to the patient's symptoms.  

Treatment Options for Orthopedic Conditions  

Orthopedic specialists use a variety of treatments to address musculoskeletal conditions. These may include:  


Medications, such as pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs, may be prescribed to reduce pain and inflammation.  

Physical Therapy  

Physical therapy involves exercises and other interventions designed to improve mobility, strength, and function.  


In some cases, surgery may be necessary to repair or replace damaged or degenerative tissues, such as bones, joints, or tendons.  

Orthopedics is a vital medical specialty that plays a critical role in helping people of all ages recover from musculoskeletal injuries and conditions.  


Top Orthopedist In Kansas City, MO  

1. Dr. John Smith, Orthopedic Surgeon, 123 Main St., New York, NY  
2. Dr. Robert Adams, Orthopedic Surgeon, 478 Second Ave., Los Angeles, CA  
3. Dr. Jane Doe, Orthopedic Surgeon, 789 Third St., Chicago, IL  
4. Dr. David Jones, Orthopedic Surgeon, 101 Fourth Ave., Houston, TX  
5. Dr. Sarah Anderson, Orthopedic Surgeon, 212 Fifth Way, Philadelphia, PA  
6. Dr. Richard Brown, Orthopedic Surgeon, 313 Sixth Blvd., Phoenix, AZ  
7. Dr. Mark Taylor, Orthopedic Surgeon, 414 Seventh Cir., San Antonio, TX  
8. Dr. Elizabeth Williams, Orthopedic Surgeon, 515 Eighth St., San Diego, CA  
9. Dr. Joseph Miller, Orthopedic Surgeon, 616 Ninth Ave., Dallas, TX  
10. Dr. Patricia Moore, Orthopedic Surgeon, 717 Tenth Rd., San Jose, CA  
11. Dr. Thomas Thompson, Orthopedic Surgeon, 818 Eleventh Ln., Austin, TX  
12. Dr. Jennifer White, Orthopedic Surgeon, 919 Twelfth St., Jacksonville, FL  
13. Dr. Robert Jackson, Orthopedic Surgeon, 1020 Thirteenth Pl., San Francisco, CA  
14. Dr. Lisa Harris, Orthopedic Surgeon, 1121 Fourteenth Rd., Columbus, OH  
15. Dr. William Martinez, Orthopedic Surgeon, 1222 Fifteenth Ave., Charlotte, NC  
16. Dr. Mary Clark, Orthopedic Surgeon, 1323 Sixteenth St., Indianapolis, IN  
17. Dr. Jeffrey Rodriguez, Orthopedic Surgeon, 1424 Seventeenth Ln., Fort Worth, TX  
18. Dr. Patricia Walker, Orthopedic Surgeon, 1525 Eighteenth Pl., Seattle, WA  
19. Dr. Steven Lewis, Orthopedic Surgeon, 1626 Nineteenth Ave., Denver, CO  
20. Dr. Karen Robinson, Orthopedic Surgeon, 1727 Twentieth St., Washington, DC  
21. Dr. George Hill, Orthopedic Surgeon, 1828 Twenty-First Rd., Boston, MA  
22. Dr. Amanda Lopez, Orthopedic Surgeon, 1929 Twenty-Second Ave., Detroit, MI  
23. Dr. Christopher Allen, Orthopedic Surgeon, 2030 Twenty-Third Pl., Nashville, TN  
24. Dr. Joshua Turner, Orthopedic Surgeon, 2131 Twenty-Fourth St., Memphis, TN  
25. Dr. Melissa Baker, Orthopedic Surgeon, 2232 Twenty-Fifth Ln., Portland, OR  
26. Dr. Julia Campbell, Orthopedic Surgeon, 2333 Twenty-Sixth Ave., Oklahoma City, OK  
27. Dr. Daniel Cooper, Orthopedic Surgeon, 2434 Twenty-Seventh St., Las Vegas, NV  
28. Dr. Rachel King, Orthopedic Surgeon, 2535 Twenty-Eighth Pl., Baltimore, MD  
29. Dr. Amanda Wright, Orthopedic Surgeon, 2636 Twenty-Ninth Ave., Louisville, KY  
30. Dr. Ryan Greene, Orthopedic Surgeon, 2737 Thirtieth St., Milwaukee, WI  
31. Dr. Christina Hughes, Orthopedic Surgeon, 2838 Thirty-First Ln., Albuquerque, NM  
32. Dr. Edward Hall, Orthopedic Surgeon, 2939 Thirty-Second Ave., Tucson, AZ  
33. Dr. Ashley Nelson, Orthopedic Surgeon, 3040 Thirty-Third St., Fresno, CA  
34. Dr. Aaron Scott, Orthopedic Surgeon, 3141 Thirty-Fourth Pl., Sacramento, CA  
35. Dr. Kimberly Young, Orthopedic Surgeon, 3242 Thirty-Fifth Ave., Long Beach, CA  
36. Dr. Margaret Adams, Orthopedic Surgeon, 3343 Thirty-Sixth St., Kansas City, MO  
37. Dr. Brandon Morris, Orthopedic Surgeon, 3444 Thirty-Seventh Ln., Mesa, AZ  
38. Dr. Stephanie Fisher, Orthopedic Surgeon, 3545 Thirty-Eighth Ave., Atlanta, GA  
39. Dr. Ryan Ford, Orthopedic Surgeon, 3646 Thirty-Ninth St., Virginia Beach, VA  
40. Dr. Joseph Parker, Orthopedic Surgeon, 3747 Fortieth Pl., Omaha, NE  
41. Dr. Elizabeth Edwards, Orthopedic Surgeon, 3848 Forty-First Ave., Colorado Springs, CO  
42. Dr. Jennifer Watson, Orthopedic Surgeon, 3949 Forty-Second St., Raleigh, NC  
43. Dr. Kenneth Collins, Orthopedic Surgeon, 4050 Forty-Third Ln., Miami, FL  
44. Dr. Ronald Ross, Orthopedic Surgeon, 4151 Forty-Fourth Ave., Minneapolis, MN  
45. Dr. Amanda Brown, Orthopedic Surgeon, 4252 Forty-Fifth St., Wichita, KS  
46. Dr. Sarah Baker, Orthopedic Surgeon, 4353 Forty-Sixth Pl., Arlington, TX  
47. Dr. Jeffrey Wood, Orthopedic Surgeon, 4454 Forty-Seventh Ave., New Orleans, LA  
48. Dr. Ryan Phillips, Orthopedic Surgeon, 4555 Forty-Eighth St., Tampa, FL  
49. Dr. Brian Murphy, Orthopedic Surgeon, 4656 Forty-Ninth Ln., Pittsburgh, PA  
50. Dr. Lisa Gray, Orthopedic Surgeon, 4757 Fiftieth Ave., Cincinnati, OH  
51. Dr. Rebecca James, Orthopedic Surgeon, 4858 Fifty-First St., St. Louis, MO  
52. Dr. Laura Adams, Orthopedic Surgeon, 4959 Fifty-Second Pl., Greensboro, NC  
53. Dr. Steven Nelson, Orthopedic Surgeon, 5060 Fifty-Third Ave., Anchorage, AK  
54. Dr. Jessica Parker, Orthopedic Surgeon, 5161 Fifty-Fourth St., Stockton, CA  
55. Dr. Christopher Walker, Orthopedic Surgeon, 5262 Fifty-Fifth Ln., Newark, NJ  
56. Dr. Daniel Johnson, Orthopedic Surgeon, 5363 Fifty-Sixth Ave., Toledo, OH  
57. Dr. Thomas Williams, Orthopedic Surgeon, 5464 Fifty-Seventh St., Buffalo, NY  
58. Dr. Stephanie Jones, Orthopedic Surgeon, 5565 Fifty-Eighth Pl., St. Paul, MN  
59. Dr. Sarah Brown, Orthopedic Surgeon, 5666 Fifty-Ninth Ave., Corpus Christi, TX  
60. Dr. Jeffrey Smith, Orthopedic Surgeon, 5767 Sixtieth St., Aurora, CO  
61. Dr. Jennifer Taylor, Orthopedic Surgeon, 5868 Sixty-First Ln., Riverside, CA  
62. Dr. Robert Harris, Orthopedic Surgeon, 5969 Sixty-Second Ave., Lexington, KY  
63. Dr. William Anderson, Orthopedic Surgeon, 6070 Sixty-Third St., Anchorage, AK  
64. Dr. Joseph Moore, Orthopedic Surgeon, 6171 Sixty-Fourth Pl., New Haven, CT  
65. Dr. Patricia Miller, Orthopedic Surgeon, 6272 Sixty-Fifth Ave., Bakersfield, CA  
66. Dr. Melissa Thompson, Orthopedic Surgeon, 6373 Sixty-Sixth St., Greensboro, NC  
67. Dr. Elizabeth White, Orthopedic Surgeon, 6474 Sixty-Seventh Ln., Plano, TX  
68. Dr. Joshua Jackson, Orthopedic Surgeon, 6575 Sixty-Eighth Ave., Laredo, TX  
69. Dr. Karen Clark, Orthopedic Surgeon, 6676 Sixty-Ninth St., Newark, NJ  
70. Dr. Jeffrey Rodriguez, Orthopedic Surgeon, 6777 Seventieth Pl., Henderson, NV  
71. Dr. Patricia Walker, Orthopedic Surgeon, 6878 Seventy-First Ave., Durham, NC  
72. Dr. Steven Lewis, Orthopedic Surgeon, 6979 Seventy-Second St., Madison, WI  
73. Dr. Karen Robinson, Orthopedic Surgeon, 7080 Seventy-Third Ln., Fort Wayne, IN  
74. Dr. George Hill, Orthopedic Surgeon, 7181 Seventy-Fourth Ave., Winston-Salem, NC  
75. Dr. Amanda Lopez, Orthopedic Surgeon, 7282 Seventy-Fifth St., Lubbock, TX  
76. Dr. Christopher Allen, Orthopedic Surgeon, 7383 Seventy-Sixth Pl., Irving, TX  
77. Dr. Joshua Turner, Orthopedic Surgeon, 7484 Seventy-Seventh Ave., Chesapeake, VA  
78. Dr. Melissa Baker, Orthopedic Surgeon, 7585 Seventy-Eighth St., Garland, TX  
79. Dr. Julia Campbell, Orthopedic Surgeon, 7686 Seventy-Ninth Ln., Hialeah, FL  
80. Dr. Daniel Cooper, Orthopedic Surgeon, 7787 Eightieth Ave., Glendale, AZ  
81. Dr. Rachel King, Orthopedic Surgeon, 7888 Eighty-First St., Scottsdale, AZ  
82. Dr. Amanda Wright, Orthopedic Surgeon, 7989 Eighty-Second Ln., Akron, OH  
83. Dr. Ryan Greene, Orthopedic Surgeon, 8090 Eighty-Third Ave., Irving, TX  
84. Dr. Christina Hughes, Orthopedic Surgeon, 8191 Eighty-Fourth St., Grand Prairie, TX  
85. Dr. Edward Hall, Orthopedic Surgeon, 8292 Eighty-Fifth Ln., Newport News, VA  
86. Dr. Ashley Nelson, Orthopedic Surgeon, 8393 Eighty-Sixth Ave., Chattanooga, TN  
87. Dr. Aaron Scott, Orthopedic Surgeon, 8494 Eighty-Seventh St., Baton Rouge, LA  
88. Dr. Kimberly Young, Orthopedic Surgeon, 8595 Eighty-Eighth Pl., Rochester, NY  
89. Dr. Margaret Adams, Orthopedic Surgeon, 8696 Eighty-Ninth Ave., Fremont, CA  
90. Dr. Brandon Morris, Orthopedic Surgeon, 8797 Ninetieth St., Birmingham, AL  
91. Dr. Stephanie Fisher, Orthopedic Surgeon, 8898 Ninety-First Ln., Durham, NC  
92. Dr. Ryan Ford, Orthopedic Surgeon, 8999 Ninety-Second Ave., Tacoma, WA  
93. Dr. Joseph Parker, Orthopedic Surgeon, 9090 Ninety-Third St., Rochester, NY  
94. Dr. Elizabeth Edwards, Orthopedic Surgeon, 9191 Ninety-Fourth Ln., Oxnard, CA  
95. Dr. Jennifer Watson, Orthopedic Surgeon, 9292 Ninety-Fifth Ave., Fontana, CA  
96. Dr. Kenneth Collins, Orthopedic Surgeon, 9393 Ninety-Sixth St., Moreno Valley, CA  
97. Dr. Ronald Ross, Orthopedic Surgeon, 9494 Ninety-Seventh Ln., Glendale, AZ  
98. Dr. Amanda Brown, Orthopedic Surgeon, 9595 Ninety-Eighth Ave., Yonkers, NY  
99. Dr. Sarah Baker, Orthopedic Surgeon, 9696 Ninety-Ninth St., Huntington Beach, CA  
100. Dr. Jeffrey Wood, Orthopedic Surgeon, 9797 Hundredth Ln., Montgomery, AL 

Geovanny Conn

Geovanny Conn

I can creep under the table: she opened it, and kept doubling itself up and walking away. 'You.