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Looking for the best proctologist in Pittsburgh? Find expert care and specialized treatment options for conditions related to the anus, rectum, and colon.
Proctology is a medical specialty that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders related to the anus, rectum, and colon. Proctologists, also known as colon and rectal surgeons, are trained to manage a variety of conditions such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, inflammatory bowel disease, colon cancer, and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. They use a range of diagnostic techniques including colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, and other imaging studies to assess the health of the colon and rectum. Treatment options may include medication, lifestyle changes, or surgery, depending on the specific condition and severity. Proctology is an important field of medicine as it helps to maintain the health and function of the digestive system, which is essential for overall wellbeing.
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Proctologists, also known as colon and rectal surgeons, play a critical role in maintaining the health and function of the digestive system. Here are some of the key reasons why proctologists are important:
Diagnosis and treatment of conditions: Proctologists are trained to diagnose and treat a range of conditions related to the anus, rectum, and colon. These conditions can be serious and potentially life-threatening, such as colon cancer, and require specialized care.
Preventive care: Proctologists also play an important role in preventive care. They educate patients on maintaining good digestive health, lifestyle changes, and the importance of regular screenings. This helps to detect potential issues early on and prevent more serious conditions from developing.
Expertise in surgical procedures: Proctologists are trained to perform surgeries related to the anus, rectum, and colon. These surgeries can be complex and require specialized expertise.
Coordination with other healthcare providers: Proctologists work closely with other healthcare providers such as gastroenterologists, oncologists, and primary care physicians to ensure that patients receive the best possible care.
A proctologist, also known as a colon and rectal surgeon, has several roles and responsibilities. Here are some of the key responsibilities of a proctologist:
Diagnosis of conditions: A proctologist is responsible for diagnosing various conditions related to the anus, rectum, and colon. They use a range of diagnostic tools such as colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, and other imaging studies to assess the health of the colon and rectum.
Treatment of conditions: A proctologist is responsible for treating various conditions related to the anus, rectum, and colon. Treatment options may include medication, lifestyle changes, or surgery, depending on the specific condition and severity.
Surgery: Proctologists are trained to perform surgeries related to the anus, rectum, and colon. These surgeries may include procedures for treating colon cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, and other conditions.
Patient education: A proctologist educates patients on maintaining good digestive health, lifestyle changes, and the importance of regular screenings.
Follow-up care: A proctologist is responsible for providing follow-up care for patients, which may include monitoring their progress, adjusting treatment plans, and scheduling regular screenings.
1. Dr. Paul H. Krell, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
2. Dr. Michael K. Pappas, DO, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15241
3. Dr. Jeffrey M. Buehlman, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
4. Dr. John J. Finizio, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
5. Dr. Howard K. Fields, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15224
6. Dr. Steven P. Wood, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
7. Dr. Theodore K. Podolsky, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
8. Dr. John J. Deveney, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15232
9. Dr. David L. Karchner, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15243
10. Dr. John H. Finley, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
11. Dr. John F. Murray, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
12. Dr. Michael A. Klein, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15232
13. Dr. Robert S. Schuster, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15241
14. Dr. J. Matthew Stahlin, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
15. Dr. Robert A. Klick, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
16. Dr. David M. Shuman, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
17. Dr. Joseph R. Veltre, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15221
18. Dr. Arthur J. Evans, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15231
19. Dr. Michael J. Hirsh, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15243
20. Dr. David B. Murtagh, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
21. Dr. Paul G. O'Connor, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
22. Dr. Robert C. Doyle, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15232
23. Dr. William R. Miller, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15241
24. Dr. Kenneth E. Schmader, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
25. Dr. David I. Osterman, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
26. Dr. Michael D. Lutz, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
27. Dr. Eugene B. Goldstein, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15221
28. Dr. James M. Shin, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15231
29. Dr. Jeffrey C. Kates, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15243
30. Dr. Eugene J. Roth, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
31. Dr. Michael S. Harpster, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
32. Dr. Robert J. Smith, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15232
33. Dr. Alexander J. Kushner, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15241
34. Dr. Richard S. Sherer, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
35. Dr. Robert E. Heid, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
36. Dr. Thomas M. DiDonato, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
37. Dr. Richard S. Sonnenberg, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15221
38. Dr. Thomas S. Fenton, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15231
39. Dr. John F. Krouse, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15243
40. Dr. Paul S. Cohen, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
41. Dr. Robert A. Durkin, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
42. Dr. Jeffrey A. Fiscus, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15232
43. Dr. Thomas J. O'Neill, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15241
44. Dr. Jeffrey J. Schmitt, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
45. Dr. Alan D. Schwartz, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
46. Dr. Robert B. Glick, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
47. Dr. Joseph J. O'Connor, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15221
48. Dr. Kenneth L. Miller, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15231
49. Dr. Joseph F. Cinque, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15243
50. Dr. James G. Sotak, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
51. Dr. Matthew B. Nesbitt, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
52. Dr. Peter L. Ditullio, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15232
53. Dr. Michael J. Haines, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15241
54. Dr. John M. Brodell, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
55. Dr. Gregory M. Mazierski, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
56. Dr. Thomas D. Reel, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
57. Dr. Jeffrey B. Smith, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15221
58. Dr. Kenneth R. Kaufman, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15231
59. Dr. Bradford L. Weber, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15243
60. Dr. Robert L. Eberly, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
61. Dr. Richard G. Carlson, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
62. Dr. Jeffrey P. Miller, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15232
63. Dr. Anthony J. Lazzaro, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15241
64. Dr. Peter D. Fine, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
65. Dr. David A. Schwartz, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
66. Dr. Richard A. Fishman, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
67. Dr. Kenneth J. Donnelly, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15221
68. Dr. David S. Blumberg, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15231
69. Dr. Lawrence M. Wolfe, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15243
70. Dr. Eric J. Schuchart, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
71. Dr. Douglas S. Hollis, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
72. Dr. Joseph A. Girasole, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15232
73. Dr. Richard C. Johnson, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15241
74. Dr. Richard A. Bartolucci, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
75. Dr. John S. Bova, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
76. Dr. Bruce P. Rader, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
77. Dr. Michael J. O'Malley, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15221
78. Dr. Stephen A. Kruger, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15231
79. Dr. Theodore C. Smith, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15243
80. Dr. Robert J. Zelle, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
81. Dr. Joseph P. Greco, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
82. Dr. John A. Miller, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15232
83. Dr. David E. Revercomb, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15241
84. Dr. Robert J. Tarczy-Hornoch, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
85. Dr. William J. Scanlon, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
86. Dr. Gregory A. Wertz, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
87. Dr. Joseph J. Schmick, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15221
88. Dr. John M. Quinn, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15231
89. Dr. Robert S. Feldman, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15243
90. Dr. Richard M. Krapf, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
91. Dr. John T. Heindel, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
92. Dr. Robert E. Ross, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15232
93. Dr. Michael D. Hill, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15241
94. Dr. Jeffrey S. Gitt, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
95. Dr. Thomas J. Knoell, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
96. Dr. David S. Greenberg, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
97. Dr. Robert J. Weis, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15221
98. Dr. Steven M. Feldman, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15231
99. Dr. James T. O'Keefe, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15243
100. Dr. Edward S. Wiater, MD, Proctologist
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
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