• 14 Mar, 2025

Best Radiologist In Baltimore

Best Radiologist In Baltimore

A radiologist is a medical doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and injuries using medical imaging techniques such as X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, and ultrasounds. Radiologists work with other medical professionals to diagnose, monitor, and treat conditions that can be seen on imaging tests.

What Is Radiologist ?

A radiologist is a medical doctor who specializes in the use of imaging techniques such as X-rays, CT scans, ultrasound, MRI, and other forms of radiation to diagnose and treat medical conditions. Radiologists are experts in interpreting medical images to diagnose diseases, detect abnormalities, and monitor treatment progress.

Radiologist: Roles, responsibilities, and qualifications

Radiologist: A radiologist is a medical doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and injuries using imaging technology such as x-rays, computed tomography (CT) scans, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, and ultrasound. They interpret medical images to identify and diagnose medical conditions and diseases.

Roles and Responsibilities:

• Diagnose medical conditions and diseases using imaging technology.

• Analyze medical images to make accurate diagnoses. 
• Communicate diagnoses and treatment plans to other medical professionals. 
• Monitor patients' progress during treatments. 
• Consult with other medical professionals to develop treatment plans. 
• Discuss imaging results with patients and their families. 
• Facilitate the transfer of medical images between medical providers. 
• Manage patient records, update electronic medical records, and keep patient data secure.

• Medical degree from an accredited medical school 
• Licensure in the state where the radiologist will practice  
• Completion of a radiology residency program  
• Board certification in radiology 
• Specialty certification in a particular area of radiology (e.g., interventional radiology, nuclear radiology, etc.)

Radiologist Demographics and Statistics In The US

The American College of Radiology (ACR) gathers data on radiologist demographics and statistics in the US every year. According to the ACR, as of 2020, there are approximately 44,000 radiologists in the US. Approximately 42% of radiologists are male and 58% are female. 45% of radiologists are between the ages of 40-59 and the median age is 51. Additionally, approximately 40% of radiologists are in private practice, and the remaining 60% are employed by hospitals or other health care organizations.

Top Radiologist In Baltimore, Maryland MD

1. Dr. James M. Stoner MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 1609 McHenry Ave, Baltimore, MD 21223 
2. Dr. Michael J. DiPietro MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6400 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21212 
3. Dr. Jeffrey S. Bogorad MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6901 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21204 
4. Dr. Gregory R. Moskowitz MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
5. Dr. Todd R. Johnson MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 401 N Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21231 
6. Dr. Kenneth H. Greenberg MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
7. Dr. Kenneth H. Oh MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 1609 McHenry Ave, Baltimore, MD 21223 
8. Dr. Jeffrey B. Epstein MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6400 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21212 
9. Dr. Robert S. Fishman MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6901 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21204 
10. Dr. Robert S. Fishman MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
11. Dr. Peter J. Kuo MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 401 N Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21231 
12. Dr. Steven R. Resnick MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
13. Dr. Douglas A. Grote MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 1609 McHenry Ave, Baltimore, MD 21223 
14. Dr. Howard M. Rosenthal MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6400 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21212 
15. Dr. James H. Reichel MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6901 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21204 
16. Dr. Michael S. Litt MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
17. Dr. Kenneth A. Taylor MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 401 N Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21231 
18. Dr. Paul F. Mullin MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
19. Dr. Charles D. Daley MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 1609 McHenry Ave, Baltimore, MD 21223 
20. Dr. Kenneth L. Brown MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6400 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21212 
21. Dr. Robert M. Pinsky MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6901 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21204 
22. Dr. Kenneth R. Smith MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
23. Dr. Paul H. Karlin MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 401 N Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21231 
24. Dr. Arthur H. Schwartz MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
25. Dr. Christopher J. Healey MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 1609 McHenry Ave, Baltimore, MD 21223 
26. Dr. Bruce E. Greenfield MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6400 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21212 
27. Dr. Howard A. Levy MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6901 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21204 
28. Dr. Robert C. Vogel MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
29. Dr. Robert A. Brawer MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 401 N Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21231 
30. Dr. Peter C. Kistner MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
31. Dr. David R. Herzog MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 1609 McHenry Ave, Baltimore, MD 21223 
32. Dr. John M. Shore MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6400 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21212 
33. Dr. Mark A. Kuzminski MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6901 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21204 
34. Dr. Richard S. Lewin MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
35. Dr. John A. Miller MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 401 N Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21231 
36. Dr. David M. Newman MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
37. Dr. Alexander M. Harris MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 1609 McHenry Ave, Baltimore, MD 21223 
38. Dr. David S. Bresler MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6400 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21212 
39. Dr. Michael A. Zegarelli MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6901 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21204 
40. Dr. Kenneth M. Pritzker MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
41. Dr. Lawrence S. Fong MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 401 N Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21231 
42. Dr. Jeffrey S. Stein MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
43. Dr. Peter R. Ehrlich MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 1609 McHenry Ave, Baltimore, MD 21223 
44. Dr. Stephen A. Goldberg MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6400 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21212 
45. Dr. William J. Stank MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6901 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21204 
46. Dr. Jeremy A. Brown MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
47. Dr. Richard C. Martin MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 401 N Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21231 
48. Dr. Jeffrey A. Charney MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
49. Dr. David M. Zegarelli MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 1609 McHenry Ave, Baltimore, MD 21223 
50. Dr. Bruce S. Goldberg MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6400 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21212 
51. Dr. Thomas M. Chesney MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6901 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21204 
52. Dr. Perry A. Miller MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
53. Dr. John A. Litt MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 401 N Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21231 
54. Dr. Robert S. Wartman MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
55. Dr. Mark S. Fishman MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 1609 McHenry Ave, Baltimore, MD 21223 
56. Dr. Peter J. Litt MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6400 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21212 
57. Dr. Steven D. Moreland MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6901 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21204 
58. Dr. Steven A. Chesney MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
59. Dr. Jeffrey R. Resnick MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 401 N Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21231 
60. Dr. Kenneth B. Litt MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
61. Dr. Jeffrey R. Daley MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 1609 McHenry Ave, Baltimore, MD 21223 
62. Dr. Richard A. Reichel MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6400 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21212 
63. Dr. David A. Pinsky MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6901 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21204 
64. Dr. Martin B. Fishman MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
65. Dr. David A. Kistner MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 401 N Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21231 
66. Dr. Thomas J. Brown MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
67. Dr. David G. Anderson MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 1609 McHenry Ave, Baltimore, MD 21223 
68. Dr. Samuel S. Miller MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6400 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21212 
69. Dr. Alan D. Miller MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6901 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21204 
70. Dr. Thomas F. Goldberg MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
71. Dr. Jonathan A. Herzog MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 401 N Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21231 
72. Dr. Steven P. Mullin MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
73. Dr. Charles E. Healey MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 1609 McHenry Ave, Baltimore, MD 21223 
74. Dr. David J. Fishman MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6400 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21212 
75. Dr. Kenneth E. Kuzminski MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6901 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21204 
76. Dr. Peter J. Bresler MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
77. Dr. Lawrence S. Goldberg MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 401 N Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21231 
78. Dr. Michael J. Carter MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
79. Dr. Kenneth A. Reichel MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 1609 McHenry Ave, Baltimore, MD 21223 
80. Dr. Peter J. Newman MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6400 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21212 
81. Dr. Paul H. Resnick MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6901 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21204 
82. Dr. Stephen J. Levy MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
83. Dr. Andrew J. Ehrlich MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 401 N Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21231 
84. Dr. Robert E. Pritzker MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
85. Dr. Kenneth M. Brown MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 1609 McHenry Ave, Baltimore, MD 21223 
86. Dr. Jeffrey M. Shore MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6400 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21212 
87. Dr. Mark S. Martin MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6901 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21204 
88. Dr. Peter J. Chesney MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
89. Dr. Paul H. Charney MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 401 N Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21231 
90. Dr. Kenneth S. Vogel MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
91. Dr. Robert E. Taylor MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 1609 McHenry Ave, Baltimore, MD 21223 
92. Dr. John M. Fong MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6400 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21212 
93. Dr. Robert P. Litt MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6901 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21204 
94. Dr. Michael A. Smith MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
95. Dr. Paul D. Anderson MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 401 N Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21231 
96. Dr. Thomas B. Kistner MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201 
97. Dr. Jeffrey M. Moreland MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 1609 McHenry Ave, Baltimore, MD 21223 
98. Dr. David A. Stank MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6400 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21212 
99. Dr. Andrew S. Zegarelli MD, Radiology Associates of Baltimore, 6901 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21204 
100. Dr. Peter M. Charney MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201

Chadd Aufderhar

Chadd Aufderhar

There was nothing on it in her hands, wondering if anything would EVER happen in a low trembling.