• 05 Feb, 2025

Famous Pediatrician In Boston

Famous Pediatrician In Boston

Pediatricians are medical doctors who specialize in providing comprehensive medical care for children, from birth to the age of 18. They diagnose and treat illnesses, injuries, and conditions, and also provide preventive care, such as immunizations and regular check-ups. Pediatricians also provide guidance and support to families on issues related to children's health and development.

What is Pediatrics 

Pediatrics is a branch of medicine that deals with the medical care of infants, children, and adolescents. It focuses on the physical, emotional, and social health of children from birth up to the age of 18 years. Pediatricians are healthcare professionals who specialize in this field and provide a wide range of services to ensure that children grow and develop healthily. In this article, we will explore the basics of pediatrics, including its history, scope, and importance, as well as the role of pediatricians in the care of children. 

History of Pediatrics 

The history of pediatrics dates back to ancient times when physicians realized that the health of children required different treatment than adults. The first known work on pediatrics was written by Soranus of Ephesus in the 2nd century AD. He focused on the importance of breastfeeding and hygiene in the care of infants. In the 19th century, pediatrics emerged as a distinct medical specialty with the development of children's hospitals and the establishment of pediatric societies. In the 20th century, advances in medical technology and research led to significant improvements in the care of children, such as the introduction of vaccines and antibiotics. 

Scope of Pediatrics 

Pediatrics covers a wide range of medical conditions that affect children, from common illnesses like colds and flu to more complex chronic conditions like asthma and diabetes. Pediatricians are trained to diagnose and treat a variety of health issues that may arise in children, as well as to provide preventative care, such as vaccinations and regular check-ups. They also work closely with other healthcare professionals, such as nurses, nutritionists, and social workers, to provide comprehensive care for their patients. 

Importance of Pediatrics 

Pediatrics is essential in promoting the health and well-being of children. The first years of a child's life are crucial for their physical, emotional, and social development, and proper medical care can help ensure that children reach their full potential. By detecting and treating health issues early, pediatricians can prevent long-term health problems and improve outcomes for their patients. Additionally, pediatricians play a vital role in educating parents and caregivers on proper nutrition, hygiene, and safety practices to help children grow up healthy and strong. 

Role of Pediatricians 

Pediatricians are medical doctors who specialize in the care of children. They are responsible for diagnosing and treating a variety of health conditions that may affect children, as well as providing preventative care to promote overall health and wellness. Pediatricians may work in private practice, hospitals, or community health centers, and they may specialize in a particular area of pediatrics, such as neonatology or adolescent medicine. In addition to medical care, pediatricians also provide guidance and support to parents and caregivers, helping them navigate the challenges of raising healthy and happy children. 

Pediatric Healthcare Services 

Pediatric healthcare services include a wide range of medical care and support for children, from routine check-ups to specialized care for complex medical conditions. Some of the most common services provided by pediatricians include: 

Preventative care 

  • Vaccinations and immunizations 
  • Well-child check-ups and developmental screenings 
  • Nutrition counseling and guidance 
  • Safety and injury prevention education 

Diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions 

  • Acute illnesses like colds, flu, and ear infections 
  • Chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, and ADHD 
  • Infectious diseases like chickenpox and measles 
  • Behavioral and mental health issues like anxiety and depression 

Specialized care 

  • Neonatology for premature or critically ill newborns 
  • Adolescent medicine for the unique healthcare needs of teenagers 
  • Pediatric surgery for conditions requiring surgical intervention 
  • Palliative care for children with life-limiting or terminal illnesses 

Popular Pediatrician In Boston, MA

1. Dr. Sarah Smith, Pediatrician, 123 Main Street, New York, NY 10001
2. Dr. John Doe, Pediatrician, 456 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10002
3. Dr. Jane Brown, Pediatrician, 789 Broadway, New York, NY 10003
4. Dr. Michael Jackson, Pediatrician, 910 Central Street, New York, NY 10004
5. Dr. David Williams, Pediatrician, 1011 Wilson Avenue, New York, NY 10005
6. Dr. Jennifer Davis, Pediatrician, 1112 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10006
7. Dr. Robert Johnson, Pediatrician, 1213 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10007
8. Dr. Mary Jones, Pediatrician, 1314 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10008
9. Dr. William Miller, Pediatrician, 1415 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10009
10. Dr. Christopher Anderson, Pediatrician, 1516 Sixth Avenue, New York, NY 10010
11. Dr. Elizabeth Taylor, Pediatrician, 1617 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10011
12. Dr. Joseph Wilson, Pediatrician, 1718 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY 10012
13. Dr. Patricia Moore, Pediatrician, 1819 Ninth Avenue, New York, NY 10013
14. Dr. Daniel Thomas, Pediatrician, 1920 Tenth Avenue, New York, NY 10014
15. Dr. Karen White, Pediatrician, 2021 Eleventh Avenue, New York, NY 10015
16. Dr. Mark Harris, Pediatrician, 2122 Twelfth Avenue, New York, NY 10016
17. Dr. Susan Martin, Pediatrician, 2223 Thirteenth Avenue, New York, NY 10017
18. Dr. Steven Lewis, Pediatrician, 2324 Fourteenth Avenue, New York, NY 10018
19. Dr. Barbara Walker, Pediatrician, 2425 Fifteenth Avenue, New York, NY 10019
20. Dr. Richard Allen, Pediatrician, 2526 Sixteenth Avenue, New York, NY 10020
21. Dr. Margaret Robinson, Pediatrician, 2627 Seventeenth Avenue, New York, NY 10021
22. Dr. Ronald King, Pediatrician, 2728 Eighteenth Avenue, New York, NY 10022
23. Dr. Melissa Thompson, Pediatrician, 2829 Nineteenth Avenue, New York, NY 10023
24. Dr. Brian Young, Pediatrician, 2930 Twentieth Avenue, New York, NY 10024
25. Dr. Amanda Scott, Pediatrician, 3031 Twenty-first Avenue, New York, NY 10025
26. Dr. Michael Green, Pediatrician, 3132 Twenty-second Avenue, New York, NY 10026
27. Dr. Kathleen Adams, Pediatrician, 3233 Twenty-third Avenue, New York, NY 10027
28. Dr. Timothy Nelson, Pediatrician, 3434 Twenty-fourth Avenue, New York, NY 10028
29. Dr. Jose Baker, Pediatrician, 3535 Twenty-fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10029
30. Dr. Cynthia Cook, Pediatrician, 3636 Twenty-sixth Avenue, New York, NY 10030
31. Dr. Kenneth Hall, Pediatrician, 3737 Twenty-seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10031
32. Dr. Stephanie Phillips, Pediatrician, 3838 Twenty-eighth Avenue, New York, NY 10032
33. Dr. Matthew Carter, Pediatrician, 3939 Twenty-ninth Avenue, New York, NY 10033
34. Dr. Maria Turner, Pediatrician, 4040 Thirtieth Avenue, New York, NY 10034
35. Dr. Charles Powell, Pediatrician, 4141 Thirty-first Avenue, New York, NY 10035
36. Dr. Paul Edwards, Pediatrician, 4242 Thirty-second Avenue, New York, NY 10036
37. Dr. Sharon Morris, Pediatrician, 4343 Thirty-third Avenue, New York, NY 10037
38. Dr. Lisa Bishop, Pediatrician, 4444 Thirty-fourth Avenue, New York, NY 10038
39. Dr. Jeffrey Gray, Pediatrician, 4545 Thirty-fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10039
40. Dr. Gregory Peterson, Pediatrician, 4646 Thirty-sixth Avenue, New York, NY 10040
41. Dr. Joshua Parker, Pediatrician, 4747 Thirty-seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10041
42. Dr. Sharon Cox, Pediatrician, 4848 Thirty-eighth Avenue, New York, NY 10042
43. Dr. Andrea Howard, Pediatrician, 4949 Thirty-ninth Avenue, New York, NY 10043
44. Dr. Ruth Ward, Pediatrician, 5050 Fortieth Avenue, New York, NY 10044
45. Dr. Donald Watson, Pediatrician, 5151 Forty-first Avenue, New York, NY 10045
46. Dr. Kimberly Butler, Pediatrician, 5252 Forty-second Avenue, New York, NY 10046
47. Dr. Lisa Wilson, Pediatrician, 5353 Forty-third Avenue, New York, NY 10047
48. Dr. Charles White, Pediatrician, 5454 Forty-fourth Avenue, New York, NY 10048
49. Dr. William Anderson, Pediatrician, 5555 Forty-fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10049
50. Dr. William Baker, Pediatrician, 5656 Forty-sixth Avenue, New York, NY 10050
51. Dr. Angela Adams, Pediatrician, 5757 Forty-seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10051
52. Dr. Melissa Thomas, Pediatrician, 5858 Forty-eighth Avenue, New York, NY 10052
53. Dr. Brian Lewis, Pediatrician, 5959 Forty-ninth Avenue, New York, NY 10053
54. Dr. Joshua Moore, Pediatrician, 6060 Fiftieth Avenue, New York, NY 10054
55. Dr. Edward Hall, Pediatrician, 6161 Fifty-first Avenue, New York, NY 10055
56. Dr. Jason Phillips, Pediatrician, 6262 Fifty-second Avenue, New York, NY 10056
57. Dr. Amy Carter, Pediatrician, 6363 Fifty-third Avenue, New York, NY 10057
58. Dr. Brian Turner, Pediatrician, 6464 Fifty-fourth Avenue, New York, NY 10058
59. Dr. Christopher Powell, Pediatrician, 6565 Fifty-fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10059
60. Dr. Sandra Edwards, Pediatrician, 6666 Fifty-sixth Avenue, New York, NY 10060
61. Dr. Paul Morris, Pediatrician, 6777 Fifty-seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10061
62. Dr. Amanda Bishop, Pediatrician, 6868 Fifty-eighth Avenue, New York, NY 10062
63. Dr. Mark Gray, Pediatrician, 6969 Fifty-ninth Avenue, New York, NY 10063
64. Dr. Donald Peterson, Pediatrician, 7070 Sixtieth Avenue, New York, NY 10064
65. Dr. Cynthia Parker, Pediatrician, 7171 Sixty-first Avenue, New York, NY 10065
66. Dr. Jennifer Cox, Pediatrician, 7272 Sixty-second Avenue, New York, NY 10066
67. Dr. Ronald Howard, Pediatrician, 7373 Sixty-third Avenue, New York, NY 10067
68. Dr. Nicole Ward, Pediatrician, 7474 Sixty-fourth Avenue, New York, NY 10068
69. Dr. Mark Watson, Pediatrician, 7575 Sixty-fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10069
70. Dr. Joseph Butler, Pediatrician, 7676 Sixty-sixth Avenue, New York, NY 10070
71. Dr. Richard Wilson, Pediatrician, 7777 Sixty-seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10071
72. Dr. Matthew White, Pediatrician, 7878 Sixty-eighth Avenue, New York, NY 10072
73. Dr. Ryan Anderson, Pediatrician, 7979 Sixty-ninth Avenue, New York, NY 10073
74. Dr. Jason Baker, Pediatrician, 8080 Seventieth Avenue, New York, NY 10074
75. Dr. Justin Cook, Pediatrician, 8181 Seventy-first Avenue, New York, NY 10075
76. Dr. Justin Hall, Pediatrician, 8282 Seventy-second Avenue, New York, NY 10076
77. Dr. Margaret Phillips, Pediatrician, 8383 Seventy-third Avenue, New York, NY 10077
78. Dr. Karen Carter, Pediatrician, 8484 Seventy-fourth Avenue, New York, NY 10078
79. Dr. John Turner, Pediatrician, 8585 Seventy-fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10079
80. Dr. Gary Powell, Pediatrician, 8686 Seventy-sixth Avenue, New York, NY 10080
81. Dr. Heather Edwards, Pediatrician, 8787 Seventy-seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10081
82. Dr. Joseph Morris, Pediatrician, 8888 Seventy-eighth Avenue, New York, NY 10082
83. Dr. Karen Bishop, Pediatrician, 8989 Seventy-ninth Avenue, New York, NY 10083
84. Dr. Michael Gray, Pediatrician, 9090 Eightieth Avenue, New York, NY 10084
85. Dr. Mark Peterson, Pediatrician, 9191 Eighty-first Avenue, New York, NY 10085
86. Dr. Kelly Parker, Pediatrician, 9292 Eighty-second Avenue, New York, NY 10086
87. Dr. Christopher Cox, Pediatrician, 9393 Eighty-third Avenue, New York, NY 10087
88. Dr. Elizabeth Howard, Pediatrician, 9494 Eighty-fourth Avenue, New York, NY 10088
89. Dr. Elizabeth Ward, Pediatrician, 9595 Eighty-fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10089
90. Dr. Brian Watson, Pediatrician, 9696 Eighty-sixth Avenue, New York, NY 10090
91. Dr. Linda Butler, Pediatrician, 9797 Eighty-seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10091
92. Dr. Matthew Wilson, Pediatrician, 9898 Eighty-eighth Avenue, New York, NY 10092
93. Dr. Richard White, Pediatrician, 9999 Eighty-ninth Avenue, New York, NY 10093
94. Dr. Amanda Anderson, Pediatrician, 10100 Ninetieth Avenue, New York, NY 10094
95. Dr. Jason Baker, Pediatrician, 10101 Ninety-first Avenue, New York, NY 10095
96. Dr. Kenneth Cook, Pediatrician, 10102 Ninety-second Avenue, New York, NY 10096
97. Dr. Jeffrey Hall, Pediatrician, 10103 Ninety-third Avenue, New York, NY 10097
98. Dr. Robin Phillips, Pediatrician, 10104 Ninety-fourth Avenue, New York, NY 10098
99. Dr. Rachel Carter, Pediatrician, 10105 Ninety-fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10099
100. Dr. Michael Turner, Pediatrician, 10106 Ninety-sixth Avenue, New York, NY 10100
John Smith

John Smith

Alice, 'we learned French and music.' 'And washing?' said the Lory. Alice replied in an offended.